Saturday, February 2, 2019

The short month begins

January is now in the rear-view mirror, and as always, it had some mixed results for me.  While the month started terribly (with a cold and my quarter close), the last week provided some respite, as leadership meetings in my company brought the frenetic pace of the start of the new year to a quiet, dull roar.

That translated into me getting back a good portion of my mental and emotional energy, as well as my physical energy.  With a little less pressure (and a lot less e-mail) on the docket, I had time to reconnect with a few work projects, and spent less time spent at night handling e-mail and catching up.   [Side note: I fully realize that means I started to work the amount of overtime that most people in my area normally work, rather than my excessive amount - I said it was better, not that it was good.]  I got to bed earlier, and was able to get up earlier and get workouts in before work (which also didn't start before 8:00 for a change) and was working with more energy through the day than I've had in months.

So now what?  February is upon us; only four short weeks to make additional progress in my goals.  My training plan is working out so far, and while I don't have a specific rhythm to my training weeks, I should be able to keep up the 3-run, 2-cycle, 2-swim, 1 strength training sessions I've built over the past few weeks.  My weekends should be mostly clear, and my treadmill and bike trainer are both very handy tools to have available when the weather gets bad.

I also have a bunch of races on the calendar.  While I'm going to have to miss my next one (a 12.4 miler in two weeks), I have a race every few weeks that should keep me focused.  I'm not really racing them, but rather doing a long, slow run with other people, and where I get handed water and refreshments.  I'll need these to keep me going until Spring, when I can get outside on the bike.  August is going to be here before I know it, and I'd like to make the most out of this winter and Spring, and hit the Tri-training with a really strong base. 

There's more change on the horizon as well, or at least I hope so.  I should be changing jobs soon, and that's either going to make my work continue (in a more rewarding manner) or the work will abate, and I will have a little time to find other things to do.  I've already been recruited to lead a project at church for the next six months, and if my next job is closer to a 40-45 (-50) hour work week, I may look for a teaching position at the local university.  There's lots of potential, and with change comes, well, change.

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