Sunday, May 1, 2016

May Day (not the SOS kind)

Welcome to May 2016!

I, for one, am happy to see April in my rear-view mirror.  While there were some great parts to it (my niece married a great guy, I vacationed in the Grand Canyon, and on the last day of the month, I bought a car and gave mine to my newly-licensed son), there were lots of elements that didn't work for me, especially my diet and exercise regime.  I gave back (almost) all of the benefits of Lent in my weight, I rarely worked out, and as a result, I'm feeling less good physically than I have in a while.

As evidence, this morning I ran my slowest half-marathon ever.  Granted, it was after I had already run a 5K this morning, but I've done this race combination twice before, and it was never this slow.  Even the 5K wasn't very fast, but the reason is clear - no training, and poor dietary habits will get you nowhere in the athletic world.

But April is over, and today is a new day and a new month, and a new beginning.  I've decided on a series of habits to work on, some physical, some mental, some spiritual, and I'm going to focus on them for the next few months.  When I was conducting my running streak, I always managed to make time for at least one mile a day - that's 10 minutes in my book (plus time to change clothes, get ready, etc.) and most of my new objectives can fit into 10 minutes a day (the running streak is off for now)

The biggest (and hardest) part is getting back into a dietary regimen.  That means cutting out some foods, limiting others, and focusing on fresh, natural foods, at least for a while.  As anyone who reads this blog knows, I've had more than my share of false starts, and this may be another one.  I would welcome anyone's support and encouragement to help get me through, but my strongest advocate (my wife) is behind me, and if she is on my side, there's nothing I can't do, right?

One of my recurring actions will be blogging - at least once a week, 3X a week even better.  There's a lot to talk about in the world, not just my personal life, and an entry can take only about 15 minutes (sure - longer if I want it to be good), but I'm to the point where I can fit that in, even if I'm typing it in on my phone (so pardon the spelling errors in the future :-) )

Father's Day Fit - Seven weeks and counting.

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