Saturday, July 2, 2022

Half year down - seems like 90 days just flew by.....

 Hi - I'm back!  Did you miss me?

Probably not (as no one is actually reading this drivel), but it's been almost three months since my last entry, and I wish there was more to catch up on.  Alas, the past few months have been filled with lots of work excitement, but not so much on the 'personal enrichment' side (or the contributing to society, staying fit, or watching out for my spiritual sides either).  In short, the last few months kinda stunk!

Why?  Well, a bunch of reasons, but not with any real clarity or excess influence.  Work has been busy, as we had to navigate some thorny budget issues, and there were far too many nights and weekends working on projects there.  But there were also just minor things that seemed to eat into my free time a lot.  

Some of these were great, though!  Ian graduated from college, and started a new job.  Tim is prospering where he is.  We went to a concert all together, which involved a lot of driving people around, I had a couple of races, which occupied body and mind in the lead up to them, and then a week of Board meetings and our Annual Conference, which took a lot of time and energy to prepare for.  And recently, Kristen had some entanglements with the health care system, which, while no longer life-threatening, will be ongoing for a couple of months - that cost me a few weekends in the E/R and hospital, but the outcome was good.

So maybe I'm just tired right now after a series of weekends without a lot of rest and recover time.  It's July 4th weekend as I write this, and hopefully this weekend will be that recovery one.  At a minimum, we just ended our fiscal year at work, so some parts will slow down for the summer.

On my pursuits: All of this activity left scant time for doing the things I enjoy doing, and reading / classic movies took a back seat to other events (including current movies!).  With summer here, and the prospect of sitting on the deck reading once in a while, I'm hoping to get back on track soon.

I'll do a recap soon, probably this weekend, of the latest entrants in my novel and film project.  I did find time to read "The Man Who Japed"  and "We Can Build You" by PK Dick, but it's getting a bit harder to find some of his books in the library. I'm currently on "The Broken Bubble" which is a non-SF variety, another about life in San Francisco in the 50s, a common theme for him.    

I got absolutely nowhere on my film list, so "The Deer Hunter" is still next up, although tonight, I'm planning to go off list to watch "The Third Man", a classic noir film.  Why, you ask?  I couldn't get Kristen interested in the other options.  Today was supposed to be a good, gloomy, rainy day, so I thought I could get in 2 movies, but alas, the sun was shining and warm, so outdoor activities prevailed.

So, trying to get back.  July 1st is usually a 'restart' day for me in old jobs and new, so here's to a better (happier, more productive, and healthier) 2nd half of the year!

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