Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Ending 2019 on a high note (or a low note)

As 2019 comes to a close, I find myself in a good place.  At least I'm choosing to see it that way.

I've started my new role at my company, which is a lot like my old role, but with new business dynamics, new people, and new things to learn.  It helps that my recent activity has benefited my reputation....now I just have the pressure of continuing to do well.

My weight is down - this will be my first year dropping weight in the last 4.  I have momentum, too, and a plan for keeping that momentum going into the new year. 

I've also set some objectives for the new year that I'm looking forward to - speaking at a conference, running a half-Ironman, and getting some traveling in as my kids go off to school. 

That said, there are always places for improvement.  My nutrition discipline, my strength and flexibility training, and my running / cycling speed could all use some work in the new year.  With a little discipline and luck, I'll get into a virtuous cycle which would have me below 200 lbs, and below 10:30 / mile before the end of June.

As I set my goals for 2020, blogging regularly will be one of them.  I did better in 2019, maybe even regular for 2020.

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Ice Melts

It's been a good month, actually a better month than I expected at its beginning, but volatile at the same time.

Maybe I'll blame the weather.  For December, it really can't make up it's mind.  We had a terrific warm day when I went and ran comfortably in shorts, followed up quickly by a snow storm, an ice storm, and a multi-day deep freeze from which we are only now emerging.  Today, it was over 50 degrees, so I went running in shorts today, much less comfortably.

But the ice is melting now, and so, I fear, is my resolve.  After a few weeks of good nutrition discipline and many workouts, I am starting to slip as the Christmas holiday approaches.  It doesn't help that even my own house is filling with cookies and other seasonal treats, or that my stress level has increased at work a good bit.  I am hopeful, however, that this is *very* temporary - like December 26th type of temporary (it's the 23rd today). 

I need to get into January with some momentum to get beyond the yearend close and hold fast to my "New Year Goals" for a few weeks.   After that, Lent begins at the end of February, which is normally a good time for me to keep myself in check.  That will help me ride through the busy February - April timeframe, and if all goes well, I could drop another 10 pounds by my birthday.  That would be worth celebrating, but I've got to work at it to get there. 

New job is okay.  Same as the old job, only different people.  That's okay - I know how to run this type of show, even if the script and the cast are a bit different.  My outside 'obligations' are starting to fall away, with Scouting having taken a back seat, and my responsibilities at church coming to an end in a couple of months due to term limits.  I (as always) fear that Father Prince will have something else in store for me to do, but I'm also looking into town governance as a potential outlet.  I'm attending Board of Finance and Board of Selectmen meetings, and I plan to start going to my local political party meetings.   Yes, I'm a Republican, but not a Trump supporter, so don't hate me  :-).

The other thing on my mind is planning for 2020.  I really don't know how I want to approach this year.  Normally, I'd be all excited about races I want to do, or trips I want to take.  But with my running having changed the way it has (My stamina is weak and my speed is very slow), I'm less excited about this upcoming year.  Perhaps it's time to move from the racing scene into something more....zen?  Making running about just running for it's sake sounds like a good idea, but also sounds like it might be the beginning of the end of a running career for me.  I'm not ready to give up yet, and I'm hopeful that a little weight loss puts some swing into my step, but it's going to take time for that to happen.

I've been patient before, and managed to get really healthy and fast.  My body is 10 years older than it was then, however, and I'm not sure fast is in my future vocabulary, but healthy?  That sure can be.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Exception day (that puts me back on my path)

Today was....not my best day.  Not my worst either.

To recap - the last few weeks has been refreshing.  I took a new job in my company, essentially doing the same thing I was doing, just for a different unit, but my predecessor hasn't left yet.  As a result, I went from being the center of knowledge for my unit, to being an observer and absorber of knowledge for the new unit, without a lot of responsibility.

In short, it's been good for me.  I was finally able to address a number of lagging issues, completed some education requirements, and started actually sleeping more, and working out more regularly than I have in months.  My diet has been under control, thanks to the time and energy to make better decisions,  I mentioned last night that I finally feel like I'm back on top of the pile of responsibility that has buried me for longer, and more deeply than I had realized.

Until today.  Today I found out that my predecessor is leaving, and soon.  Like - tomorrow.  So I spent today learning the last of what he had to tell me (although I will have access to him in the future) and getting ready to take over fully on Monday.  My reaction, though, was momentarily one of panic.  I don't know why - I am totally ready for this, and despite enjoying the past few weeks, I'm ready to be back 'in the game'. 

That reaction really surprised me, and about an hour after being told, I felt like I needed a drink, or my equivalent, a sugar boost.  That set off a chain reaction that dragged me down today, and I felt just the slightest taste of what being an alcoholic might be like.  I actually said to myself that I wanted 'a meeting' as I've heard people say on TV, but candidly, they haven't stated a local chapter of 'cookieholics anonymous' yet. 

While I did not go off the deep end (which would involve many many types of dessert-like substances), I also did not deliver the type of day I wanted. 

This can either be an aberration, or it could be a renewal of the poor behaviors that have plagued me for the past few years.  I'm hoping (and determined) to make it the former.  I've been working too hard (and been successful) for the past 30 days to let anything derail me.  I've got to take this opportunity to reorient my life and work habits around new directions. 

I kicked off a 30 day project about two weeks ago, keeping myself on the straight and narrow. Today I broke 3 of the 6 principles I'm trying to follow.  Tomorrow will be a better day.